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5 Ways To Keep Your Pet Healthy

May 16 2023

Did you know that pets who receive proper care live healthier, longer lives? Keeping your pet healthy is crucial not only for their well-being but also for enhancing their quality of life. In this article, “5 Ways to Keep Your Pet Healthy,” a Pacheco, CA vet shares practical tips to ensure your furry companion remains fit, happy, and safe. From nutrition and exercise to veterinary care and home safety, you’ll learn how to keep your pet healthy and prevent common issues before they arise. This guide provides invaluable advice for pet owners who want to ensure their beloved animals lead vibrant, fulfilling lives.

No matter how old your pet is, or what kind of animals you have, their health is in your hands. Keeping your animal companion healthy also means keeping him fit, happy, and comfortable. A Pacheco, CA vet lists some things you can do to keep your furry friend healthy and happy in this article. 

Good Food 

Good nutrition is crucial to your pet’s health. Offer a high-quality food, one that is appropriate to your pet’s age, health, and activity level. You’ll also want to pay attention to portion control: even overfeeding by small amounts can lead to obesity, which has been linked to a whole slew of health issues. 


Staying fit and active is just as important for pets as it is for us. Fido’s doggy workout regimen will vary a bit, depending on his size, age, health, and breed. For instance, a Golden Retriever may enjoy swimming, but that isn’t suitable for a brachy. You can keep kitties active through toys and playtime.

Veterinary Care 

Keep up with your pet’s veterinary care needs! Even if your furry pal looks and seems healthy, you’ll need to protect them from parasites and diseases. Regular exams are also crucial, as they can detect issues developing before symptoms arise. That can make a huge difference! 


Pets are playful and curious. This makes them lots of fun, but it can also be a dangerous mix. Make your home safe by removing or securing potential hazards. Some of these include small and sharp objects, wires and cords, plastic bags, and toxins, such as chemicals, medication, and poisonous plants. Ask your vet for advice.


Pay close attention to your furry friend, and watch for signs that something isn’t right. Sometimes the red flags are quite subtle, such as a cat not grooming herself or a usually-frisky pooch suddenly not feeling very playful. Other signs, such as limping, lethargy, and diarrhea, are much more obvious. Contact your vet right away if you notice anything amiss. 

Safe Containment 

This means different things for different pets. For instance, we recommend that cats all be kept indoors , as they are simply much safer inside. That of course won’t make sense for Fido: in his case, we recommend keeping him leashed whenever he isn’t in fenced areas. 

A Guide to Keep Pets Healthy in 2024

How often should pets be vaccinated, and against which diseases?

Pets should be vaccinated according to a schedule recommended by your veterinarian, typically starting as early as 6-8 weeks of age for puppies and kittens. Core vaccines for dogs include rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus, while cats should receive vaccines for rabies, feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia. Non-core vaccines may also be recommended based on lifestyle and geographic location, such as leptospirosis for dogs or feline leukemia for outdoor cats. Regular booster shots are essential to maintain immunity, so consult with your veterinarian to establish a tailored vaccination plan.

What are the risks of parasites for pets, and how can they be prevented?

Parasites pose significant risks to pets, potentially leading to serious health issues like anemia, digestive problems, and even death. Common parasites include fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal worms, each capable of causing discomfort and disease. To prevent parasitic infections, ensure your pet receives regular veterinary check-ups and follows a vet-recommended parasite prevention regimen. This includes using topical or oral medications and maintaining a clean environment. Monitoring your pet for signs of infestation, such as scratching, weight loss, or lethargy, and seeking prompt veterinary care can also help protect your pet’s health.

How should pets be protected from extreme weather conditions?

Protecting pets from extreme weather conditions requires careful attention to their needs. In hot weather, ensure they have access to fresh water and shade, and never leave them in a parked car. Limit outdoor activities during peak heat, and consider using pet-safe sunscreen for those with thin fur or light skin. In cold weather, provide warm shelter, especially for pets living outdoors, and consider using pet-safe antifreeze. Avoid long walks on icy surfaces and keep them away from toxic substances like road salt. Regularly check for signs of discomfort or distress and consult your veterinarian for tailored advice.

What are the health benefits of pet ownership for humans?

Pet ownership offers numerous health benefits for humans. Studies show that owning a pet can significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Interacting with animals promotes the release of serotonin and dopamine, which enhance mood and emotional well-being. Pets, especially dogs, encourage physical activity, leading to improved cardiovascular health and weight management. Moreover, pet owners often experience lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The companionship of a pet also combats loneliness, boosting overall mental health. Additionally, caring for a pet provides a sense of purpose and routine, contributing to better mental and emotional stability.

What precautions should be taken when interacting with wildlife?

When interacting with wildlife, precautions are essential to ensure safety and protect the animals. First, maintain a safe distance to prevent stress and avoid potential aggression. Do not feed wild animals, as this can disrupt their natural diet and behavior. Ensure that pets are on a leash and avoid areas known for wildlife activity. Keep garbage and food sources secured to prevent attracting animals. Be aware of your surroundings and understand local wildlife laws and guidelines. If an animal appears injured or sick, contact local wildlife authorities instead of attempting to help.

As your Pacheco, CA veterinary clinic, we’re always here to help. Please contact us anytime!

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